Technical Roadmap
Technical Roadmap

Technical Roadmap

This chapter focuses exclusively on the technical development aspects of the project.

It is important to note that the business development and marketing roadmaps will be announced separately, as they pertain to different dimensions of the project's progress.

The Technical Roadmap presented here does not encompass all the required development tasks. As we complete our current objectives, additional tasks will be incorporated into the roadmap to maintain a comprehensive and up-to-date plan for ongoing development. Please be aware that the Technical Roadmap undergoes monthly updates, ensuring that it remains aligned with the project's evolving needs and priorities. This approach allows us to maintain an agile development process while adapting to new challenges and opportunities that may arise throughout the project's lifecycle.

Please note that while we have a roadmap in place, unforeseen circumstances can arise that may cause delays or changes to our plans. We will do our best to keep you informed of any updates, but we cannot guarantee that everything will go according to schedule. We appreciate your understanding and patience and encourage you to stay tuned for further announcements.
Ecosystem Design Complete architecture design for the Web2/Web3 components of the Stobox ecosystem. The primary focus is on establishing a robust micro-service architecture that promotes scalability, flexibility, and ease of maintenance. Additionally, the design principles emphasize the development of resilient and secure infrastructure to ensure the protection of sensitive data and the seamless integration of various components within the ecosystem.
Security Token Contracts 2.0 & Validator [Q2/23]

The series of smart contracts that represent compliant security or real-world asset tokens, designed and built in accordance with relevant securities laws. These smart contracts enable seamless compliance and regulatory validations, ensuring that the digital assets are in line with the necessary legal requirements. The Validator, a key component of the ecosystem, ensures that only verified participants may interact with the selected digital asset, thereby maintaining the highest level of security and trust within the platform.

Progress: Basic Validation Rules Enable the automation of fully compliant transactions between ecosystem participants. These rules allow issuers to customize the type of investors that can access their tokenized assets and specify the countries from which they can participate. By enforcing these rules at the web3 level, compliance is brought to a new level of efficiency and accuracy. The implementation of Basic Validation Rules ensures a secure and compliant environment, fostering trust among all parties involved within the Stobox Ecosystem.
Stobox Ecosystem Beta [Q2/23] Introducing a cutting-edge Web2/Web3 infrastructure designed for the issuance and management of compliant real-world assets or security tokens. The system incorporates Web3 identities and basic compliance rules to ensure a secure and compliant environment for all participants. Access to the Stobox Ecosystem is exclusive to SBID users, ensuring that only verified and approved members can interact with the platform and its features. This approach guarantees a high level of security and trust within the ecosystem.
Factory: Compliant Digital Assets [Q2/23] A set of smart contracts designed to enable corporate issuers of tokenized assets to mint compliant tokens without any manual work from Stobox. This fully Web3 automated process revolutionizes the tokenization experience by unlocking scaling opportunities for Stobox. It drastically reduces the time of delivery, minimizes security issues, and cuts down the costs associated with tokenization. The Factory streamlines the process of creating and managing compliant digital assets, making it more accessible and efficient for all parties involved.
AML-Module [Q3/23] On-chain AML and transaction monitoring module, which provides an opportunity to apply AML policies at the blockchain level. This innovative approach enforces all necessary actions for both issuers and investors, ensuring that all parties adhere to relevant anti-money laundering regulations. By incorporating the AML Module within the ecosystem, we create a secure and compliant environment that fosters trust and confidence among all participants in the Stobox Ecosystem.
Ecosystem: Web3 Analytics [Q2-3/23] Introduce the advanced Web3 analytics tool developed for both investors and issuers to track the performance of every tokenized asset within the Stobox Ecosystem. This comprehensive tool offers true, real-life information about asset performance, trading volumes, and investor activities, allowing users to make informed decisions based on accurate data. By providing these insights, the Web3 analytics tool enhances transparency. It fosters trust within the Stobox Ecosystem, enabling participants to better understand and evaluate the various tokenized assets available within the ecosystem.
Stobox Ecosystem V1 [Q3/23] Goes beyond compliance and AML control to include advanced validations covering regulatory requirements in numerous jurisdictions. This integral part of the ecosystem is referred to as the Progress, which allows every issuer to modify selected regulations and benefit from automatic compliance and regulatory checks. By incorporating these advanced validations, the Stobox Ecosystem V1 ensures that tokenized assets maintain compliance with various regulatory frameworks, providing a secure and trusted environment for both issuers and investors.
Advanced Validation Rules Enable issuers to benefit from automatic regulatory checks of transactions within the Stobox Ecosystem. Recognizing that most issuers do not have dedicated compliance staff to verify transactions, the Progress Protocol and Stobox Ecosystem provide a fully automated solution to ensure regulatory compliance. The first set of regulatory rules implemented in this version includes those from the SEC and MiFID, covering a wide range of securities regulations. By automating these checks, issuers can confidently conduct their operations within the ecosystem, knowing that all transactions adhere to the necessary legal requirements.

It's important to note that our Technical Roadmap is not static but is an evolving document. As the landscape of digital assets continues to change and grow, so too does our roadmap. We continually assess and adjust our development plans to ensure we're meeting the needs of our clients and staying at the forefront of industry advancements.

This means that the specific goals and objectives outlined in our current roadmap may be updated or expanded upon in future versions. Regular updates will be released to provide our clients and partners with the most accurate and current information about our progress and plans.

We invite you to stay engaged with our updates, as each new version of the Technical Roadmap will offer a clearer picture of our ongoing efforts to improve our products and services, as well as our commitment to pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the world of digital assets.